Friday, August 22, 2014

What is Graphic Design?

"It can mean a lot of things, can't it?"

Coming into the realm of the graphic design class, we were set off to discover what the word meant to the rest of the world, and to us. When I, personally, think of graphic design, I think of colors, shapes, and perfectly placed contrast all used in harmony to draw the eyes of whoever looks at it to a certain area of the image in a certain order.
Like a book title, it aims to draw you to it's cover with the design, and to the title next to display what it is in all it's glory. 

(My oh my, don't my word choices make me sound so preachy?)

Learning graphic design is like learning how to grab someone's attention. Learning how  to make them feel a certain way, understand a certain concept. it's almost to me, appearing like a subliminal art that gets into someone's head and makes them think certain things or feel a certain way.

Like an advertisement that invokes a sense of pity or tugs at your heartstrings to get you to donate. Like a sleek ad that just screams 'New!' or 'Shiny' at you to convince you to get that new car. Though this art isn't restricted only to advertisements.

I am exited to learn the art of inspiring people and communicating my message through my designs, and I hope when people see my future works that they get something from it to take home, and possibly create things of their own for the inspiration I give them.

It's always been enthralling to see someone creating something based on something they saw from me. I love to create, and I get the same thrill form inspiring others to create. I feel that this is why graphic design is so appealing to me.
It's the art of communicating ideas, sharing feelings, and that maybe why I feel such a deep connection to (And am so exited by) the idea of it.


  1. Nice job! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to watching you inspire through your designs.

  2. You're really excited about Graphic Design.
